Are you looking to bring our innovation masterclass training workshops to your region?
The Innovation Institute of America® has conducted public innovation masterclass training workshops and seminars in many countries worldwide. We have worked with leading PCOs and would be delighted to work with you. This provides a highly lucrative opportunity for you as the organizer, as revenue is typically derived from a combination of high-end ticket sales and sponsorship. Each event is customized to take the audience and region into account, so that the taught strategies, frameworks and case studies resonate with the audience.
Our standard masterclasses range from 1-5 days in length, depending on your needs, interests, and budget. Our most popular public events range from 1-3 days in duration.
This is a clip from a full day masterclass in the Kingdom of Bahrain, where IIA taught 180 executives, entrepreneurs and business students our proprietary 6-pronged innovation framework for how to develop innovative new products and services, along with many international case studies.
In addition to conducting private in-house masterclasses for organizations worldwide, Alexander Blass also works with leading conference organizers in many countries to conduct public masterclasses for business audiences in their markets. In this example, Alexander was contacted by Terrabiz, the top conference organizer in Pakistan, where he conducted a series of 4 innovation masterclasses in Islamabad, Karachi, and Lahore–the nation’s three largest cities.