Audience feedback available in 18 languages


“I sat through Alexander’s presentation and I must say it was truly awesome. He communicated the message of innovation very clearly. I also found it very impressive – and he did it extremely well — that he localized his presentation for India which was absolutely great, and he really connected with the audience. I really appreciate it. Thank you!

“We had Alexander Blass as our keynote speaker, who was terrific. He really personalized the event to what we needed and he motivated everybody in the audience, so we really really appreciate it. Thank you very much Alexander!”

“Today we had a masterclass on innovation by Alexander Blass. It’s been a fantastic experience. We had 56 of our managers and assistant managers attending and we’ve really opened up a lot of minds and changed mindsets. It’s a great new approach, I think it will lead to innovation in all sorts of spheres in the business. I am really looking forward to taking this forward over the next 12 months. Thank you very much, it was very inspirational, look forward to see you again.”

“He did a great job of bringing in examples from all over the world. Highly energetic. He got engaged, got into the audience, not just a static speech with Powerpoint slides. Highly recommended!”

“Wow, it was undoubtedly one of the best sessions I have ever attended. The key takeaway for me was that if you breathe, if you eat for your living, you should innovate for your living. And innovation and energy go hand in hand, so I am requesting Alexander to give me some of his energy and innovation skills so that I can survive in this world. Thanks a lot, Alexander!”

“We were very glad today to have Mr. Alexander Blass who presented to us key elements on being innovative and related technology. His presentation was really heart-touching, interactive with the audience, and out of the norm of a typical presentation. We really highly recommend Mr. Blass and his presentations for other such events around the globe. Thank you very much.”

“Alexander Blass was the best part of the entire EPIC conference in New York City. I felt as if he was speaking directly to me, and the other audience members felt the same way. He gave me a lot of new ideas, was very clear and concise, and was full of energy. He was also easy to approach afterwards and very friendly. I would highly recommend Alexander Blass for your conference.”

“The opening speaker of this summit, Mr. Alexander Blass was a really blasting speaker! His energy is so contagious. For students this is what they need to see from an entrepreneur to get into it, increase their passion, motivate them, build their confidence. I think it was wonderful and amazing; one of the very best speakers I have heard in the last 10 years.”

“I go to a lot of events year, and hear a lot of speakers. Alexander Blass is by far one of the more dynamic speakers I have ever heard. Quite honestly the message of the presentation was very impressive. Innovation is a tremendous motivation for us internally. It is something we preach within our client base, and I got a lot of points out of this meeting I can share with my clients.”

“He gave us a revelation into the meaning of innovation. He brought it close to our hearts, our minds, and our soul. We had a good 2 days with him. This program is definitely a long lasting insight with impact, that will help you make that journey, of faith in innovation.”

“Alexander’s remarks were really on point, as we are going through an aggressive new strategic planning initiative. We are trying to move the organization to the next level. He really hit points on how staff should be engaged in that and involved, and think differently and more creatively. He also took the time to learn a lot about NFPA to make his comments very relevant to where we are in our history.”

“This is one of the best presentations I have ever seen. It was more effective and I could see the differences between other presentations. The message was very clear and it was more inspirational. I’m so happy and I can take the principles and put them in my career, and I can just innovate. It really inspired me.”

“We had Alexander Blass as a speaker in our university and I think it was one of the best experiences of my life so far. He really connected with us. And I felt like on a personal level, on a social level, it was really relatable. He not only crossed our minds, but even our hearts. It was extremely, truly inspiring. All of us had a spark in us, but Alexander Blass helped us put that spark into a flame.”

“I've just attended a great opening keynote by Alexander Blass, really great session about innovation and how I as a person--but also in relation to my company--can innovate. I think it would be a great, inspirational way to start any events that are focused on innovation and how to disrupt and change the way we think about products, services, marketing, and your organization. Great event. Great keynote.”

“Alexander presented an excellent speech at the Innovation Forum, helping us to better understand innovation and how it can be integrated in the business sector… One of those areas is sustainability. He linked innovation trends to local and regional issues, connecting the best practices of the West to local issues and bridging those two worlds.”

“​​I am the founder and president of the Innovation Development Association of Bahrain. Today I had the pleasure to meet Alexander Blass and attend his seminar… it was very, very interactive… there are around 180 people participating and the contents of the seminar are really highly beneficial and useful. I recommend it for students, for corporates, for employees and for everyone who is seeking to change his life or his business, to improve it, to effectively improve it and to learn more how to do that.”

“I am very excited, I just got out of the keynote presentation. This is one of those learning experiences that really gets to your intellectual part, but it also really touched my heart. It was very exciting. I found myself taking a lot of notes. I definitely highly recommend Alexander’s presentations!”

“Telecom companies feel they are too big and complex to innovate at the same rate as some of the challengers. To solve that problem we hired Alexander Blass. He did a keynote presentation for us… and it was exactly what our members needed. It was definitely a breath of fresh air, something they’ve never seen before. Later on we had a masterclass with Alexander. A huge success… highly recommended!”

“I firmly believe that if you truly want to change your life, get Alexander Blass to wherever you are… he will let you become the change you really want to be. So for Mr. Blass, we all love you!”

“Thank you for being our keynote speaker at our leadership conference. It was an amazing presentation and the feedback was very, very, very good. Your presentation at our Latin American convention was amazing too, and I hope to see you again next year!”

“Alexander’s presentation was truly awesome; I was absolutely floored. If you asked me yesterday, what I thought of innovation, well now, wow, it has been totally redefined!”

“Alexander Blass delivered a wonderful speech on innovation. It was very dynamic, very high energy. It was one part inspirational and one part educational, and very very informative. I would recommend this experience to any company that is looking for a charismatic, very dynamic speaker who has been there, has innovated, and who can tell you what it takes to innovate.”

“This session was truly great. It ignited the passion to innovate. The message was very clear that nothing can stop innovation; you have to innovate. This was kindled in everyone. I will take back wonderful messages and will come up with something bright and useful. Thank you!”

“A great presentation today on innovation. The timing couldn’t be better for our organization as innovation is a big part of our 3-year strategic plan. Alexander did a really great job talking about innovation and bringing it down to a level where you can think about what you can do to innovate daily…”

“I had the privilege of hearing Alexander Blass’s keynote speech yesterday. Wow, he captivated the audience and kept them spellbound with his speech… he took the ancient Indian culture and perfectly blended it with modern day technology. He kept us all motivated and inspired.”

“He did a great job. I can tell he did a lot of research and customized the conference. He knew what he was talking about, and customized it for our country. I highly recommend him and will have him back in the near future for my company!”

“Ever since five years ago, I had a vision. Yesterday, after listening to Alexander, what I actually believed in, but had some doubts, how will I make this, will this work, Alexander has given me a faith and made my beliefs stronger. Thanks a lot, Alexander!”

“I was very glad to meet Alexander Blass and attend one of his classes, because the guy is amazing. I gained a lot of information from his education and experience in creativity and innovation. I would highly recommend you attend one of his classes!”

“I’m so happy I was there for the session. He customized his presentation to the Indian audience and culture, which was very innovative. The product he has built is amazing, and I strongly suggest you attend one of his presentations.”

“We had a great day with some of the world’s biggest leaders, including Mr. Alexander Blass. I believe I can use all the things I learned in my job, and I hope I can transfer the knowledge to my colleagues and friends. Alexander really taught me a lot today.”

“It was really inspiring. It showed he did a lot of research to customize the content, and I understand he learned Hindi to give a personal touch to the presentation. I spoke to many of my TCS colleagues and they really enjoyed his presentation as well. Thank you so much.”

“Alexander Blass was an unknown name to me until yesterday, when I saw and understood his incredible brilliance, as well as his energy on stage. He gave me a lot of inspiration and energy, and took the entire audience with him. If you have an opportunity to engage with Alexander Blass, I highly recommend it!”

“It is one of the best speeches I have heard. The message he gave was very good, and the way he presented and inspired all of us, everyone enjoyed it a lot. Thanks a lot Alexander, for all your inspiring words.”

“We just got done listening to Alexander Blass’s wonderful keynote speech. He kept the audience on the edge of their seats. He completely localized the whole speech to all types of people. I would recommend anybody listen to any of his keynote speeches.”

“It was excellent, the points, the flow, everything. I also really respect the way so much homework was done about India to really get to know something so deep. I learned that we need to try to do something a little different every day in the space that we are in, in our daily jobs.”

“I heard Alexander’s keynote presentation this morning in Chicago. I was very encouraged and reminded of things we have to do in our everyday business around innovation. It was a very inspiring presentation.”

“The presentation was excellent, and your innovations will help many people in their lives and never end on this Earth. Your understanding of the Indian culture is excellent. Thank you very much!”

“Alexander Blass is an inspiration to others. Your techniques and recommendations… is the way to be an excellent professional and make excellent companies. I recommend and hope that you will have the opportunity to listen to Alexander in one moment in your life.”

“IBM INNOVATE was best because of Alexander Blass. His speech was amazing. To Indians I say he must come again and again, and do numerous presentations. I also hope he will come to colleges and universities, and speak to up and coming entrepreneurs. They need his seminars as well. Great going!”

“What Alexander’s speech did for us today is get our employees thinking, ‘How can I be innovative?’ By having them better understand what innovation is, and how they can incorporate it into their job, I think it will be a really big success for us.”

“The session was fantastic today. I was completely amazed by the session. In fact I can say I was inspired. Up to yesterday I was thinking in a different way, but now it has been changed in a new direction. It was a fantastic and worthwhile session. Thanks a lot!”

“He encouraged all the entrepreneurs of Colombia to think differently and outside of the box. It was a very good conference with a lot of knowledge that we are happy to receive from him. Thank you!”

“This was really inspiring. I liked it very much. We talk about innovation many times, but I liked seeing innovation applied with a human touch. I want to apply his principles in my life and teach them to my children, so that their outlook will change, and try to innovate in whatever they do.”

“I attended Alexander Blass’s keynote speech today at the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Entrepreneurship Summit. It was one of the most amazing speeches I’ve ever heard. I think it is the right moment for people around the world to come and look at this area of the world and find opportunities.”

“I really enjoyed the talk today on innovation. It was amazing… after this talk I feel that the more people that tell me it’s crazy, that means it is the best idea I have. There were many thought provoking questions, and the wisdom shared by him was amazing.”

“He talked about innovation explosion™ which was an amazing experience. Our attendees were just “wowed” by him and they of course learned invaluable tips … they were so engaged, I’ve never seen them that cheering up early in the morning … Everybody left the room buzzing and talking about it.”

“Very inspiring. Whether you have a big idea or small idea, you shouldn’t stop. The presentation was very influential. I like the way Alexander Blass put it, and request that he will give influential speeches to the next generation to make more innovations and bring change to the world.”

“Alexander’s session was truly inspirational. He talked about how innovation can occur at the individual and even at the organizational level. Everybody can make a difference and add value. We really enjoyed the presentation. Thank you very much.”

“I’m so proud and happy to have people like you to help us and give a different point of view. You give a great and gorgeous conference. Thanks a lot!”

“The thing is, we all have a desire to innovate, but we have many many obstacles for that. Alexander’s speech taught us how to overcome all of them. It was very inspiring and I will be sure to look forward to innovating something in my life. It was a great speech!”

“This session was quite stimulating. We must be constantly thinking and making changes, and there is no end or limit to it. What I liked most was the key underlying message: your successes will largely depend on the efforts that you make towards innovation and the risk you take to achieve it.”

“Alexander Blass inspired my life. When I was a child, my mother told me to never push my comfort zone. Now I am conscious that I need to reinvent my job, and innovate. This was the most important thing I learned in the conference. To innovate in my job, my products and services, for my clients.”

“It was really awesome! We were able to relate to the story. As entrepreneurs, we have to be a little crazy and think differently than how the crowd thinks. So it was completely relevant to our thinking, as well as the innovative ideas he shared.”

“He shook our minds and got us thinking that innovation is for everyone. That there is always something we can change.”

“His presentation was very inspirational, sincere, and candid. It easily reached the heart of the audience, which is not normally the case with most of the business presentations.”

“He talked about different ways of innovating. I really recommend this presentation. I really liked it, and think many people learned a lot from it.”

“It was a very nice speech and inspired me a lot about my innovations and what I need to do. The best part of the speech was how we should get in touch with our culture and take from it to help other people through our technologies and innovations.”

“Alexander’s Blass’s presentation was very helpful for us. We are looking forward to meeting him again in Saudi Arabia. I will surely advise my friends and colleagues to meet with him, and listen to his points and advice. Thanks a lot, Alexander!”

“I’ve seen many seminars, but the presentation I heard from Alexander Blass was really exemplary. I never heard a presentation like this in my life. It was marvelous and I really enjoyed it. I’m really thankful to him for all his ideas and the skills that he has given us today. Thank you!”

“We had the great pleasure of listening to Alexander Blass … he brought to light the fact that innovation is truly needed in our environment … he brought it to light in a way that actually made us think about how we could make our jobs a lot better.”

“Yesterday I attended Alexander Blass’s innovation program. I got great ideas from it. What I liked the most was the key inheritance culture that we get from our parents, which we generally miss out on as we age. That’s what I’d like to look back on myself and will put back into my life. Thank you.”

“It’s been an exciting day to have been part of this wonderful seminar about innovation. We are happy to have an expert like Alex who aligned these different principles and strategies that we will use to enhance our innovation system. Thank you!”

“The speech given by Alexander Blass is the most influential on my path. And I feel that of all the recent people I have met, Alexander Blass is the most influential in my life from now on. Thank you very much.”

“We really appreciate the presentation and are coming out very motivated. We are learning a lot about our future business. As a manager, it was great to have all this information. Thank you, Alexander Blass!”

“It was quite moving, quite persuasive, quite detail-oriented… it was really fantastic. He talked about innovation being at the intersection of business and impacting people’s lives, phenomenal really. It was a wonderful speech and I enjoyed it very much.”

“I really enjoyed him. A lot of energy. A lot of content… grounded in the needs of the travel industry here in Mexico. I was very impressed by him.”

"It was extremely practical and it was extremely useful on how I could use it in transforming our own products so that it … could help society as a whole, and it could help businesses flourish in the future. Thank you, Mr. Biass for giving your thoughts, giving your recommendations and giving a wholesome presentation that I think helped not only me, but the whole corporate audience that attended this business brief.”

“We have a gathering on innovation in telecom, and we were very pleased to have Alexander as the keynote speaker. He gave a very enlightening speech on innovation. We were very impressed by the framework he has worked out to help innovate in companies… we also had a masterclass with Alexander that I can warmly recommend.”

“Yesterday I attended Alexander’s program. It was very inspirational and really worth attending. From the session I learned and realized many things that I can do personally.”

“We decided for the first time in 9 years to bring in a keynote speaker… it was a very inspiring and visionary talk, not only on the theoretical aspects of innovation, but rather on the practical ones, and the ways and tools that we as a company can harness to innovate in our internal processes and be a better competitor in this market.”

“We had a wonderful session day with Alexander Blass on innovation in financial services and how to apply these concepts in Pakistan… we came to learn examples and best practices that are being done in the U.S. and other countries… it was a very interactive session…and this will give us a broad framework to implement these strategies.”

“We invited Alexander Blass to give us a conference about the human side of innovation, and it was very interesting to the group because we're confronting new challenges in the automotive industry. This is going to serve very much to open the minds of our executives to have new ideas to know how to retain people. This was a very very good experience for our people, and we are very happy and very grateful for his visit.”

“I must say it's been a fantastic experience… I'm a participant representing one of the leading banks in Pakistan… one of the best take homes from this session has been that Alexander has gone beyond the theory. He's been trying to reach out to the audience in terms of real life experiences, and on ground reality, especially sharing the best practices internationally, so all of us take something exciting back with us in terms of innovation in our own spheres of work.”

“I am a senior financial analyst at the Civil Service Bureau. I have been attending the 3-day workshop… I was able to discover my innovative ideas, my innovative actions, and my innovative feelings. I advise you to go and take this workshop as it will launch your innovation from you. Thank you.”

“After hearing the speech from him, my mind started churning and I’m really into it. Let’s innovate something!”

“It was a fantastic presentation… we really got inspired. The way he put across some very powerful ideas in very simple, lucid language was very appealing. The general feedback I’ve been getting from everyone I spoke to is that it was a presentation that fit very well into the theme of our conference.”

“Hearing and meeting Mr. Alexander Blass was a wonderful experience. He came across very very humble… I got a lot of inputs from him… I’m really thankful for what we have learned at this Entrepreneur Summit.”

“We are here at our annual conference, and we invited Alexander as our first external presenter ever. To bring innovation ideas and examples from other industries into our internal dialogue and how to apply them to the agricultural arena. I think the presentation was great. We were able to touch all the levels of employees from the commerce to development, from the manager to the field person.”

“It was a fantastic session where we actually learned how we have to sell our products… creating a buzz… also about innovation before your product goes obsolete. It was a wonderful session. It helped a lot, a lot.”

“It's a very interesting forum, talking about the tools how to achieve innovation in terms of marketing of our work and products and services. It’s a great session to attend, and it's very insightful how companies have done well by introducing ingenuity into their work, and what's important we can take home something which we can add on to our workplace, so I will recommend everyone to attend this session.”

“We had a wonderful keynote speaker Alexander Blass talking about innovation. I liked it very much. It was very encouraging and engaging and he gave us a lot of insight into what is innovation… I recommend that you listen to him and engage him in a seminar or a training.”

“It was definitely inspiring to me because he drew in so many examples, not just general ones, but also from his own experience of being an innovator and creating something which has changed the world in a really huge way and it's not everyday that you get to hear speakers of his caliber come to Sri Lanka and give speeches. He connected with the audience really well.”

“We wanted to focus the seminar on how to create an innovative culture within the group. It has been a really great, entertaining and informative session the whole day. It's opened up the minds of lots of the managers and assistant managers who participated. I think lots of good ideas have come through because of the mixture of the management team of the group. It has been very successful and I'm looking forward to seeing how those ideas result in an action plan and make a big impact in the business.”

“I am here at IIT Bombay today to attend Alexander Blass’s incredible session on innovation. What I really liked about his speech is how human psychology plays a very critical role in arriving at those innovative breakthrough ideas… if I were distill everything he said through his 5 case studies, the crux is cognitive sciences… the takeaway is, it is not your technical domain expertise that drives innovation. It’s how you connect it to the people…”

“It is so exciting to be here and inspiring and to be part of his workshop as well, and afterwards I feel excited that we need to keep rocking and improve the market.”

“I've been to many seminars like this, but one thing I felt with Alexander Blass, that his explanations were very practical, something that I could implement, it’s not theoretical. I appreciate that because we go to quite a few of these but unfortunately usually it is a lot of theory, straight out of a book. But in this particular case I feel these are things that can be utilized in your day to day life.”

“I have been managing this workshop, and it is one of the nicest, most interactive and engaging workshops… I can see the difference in this workshop and the level of enthusiasm and professionalism of the speaker. It is a state-of-the-art workshop and it is fabulous to be honest. I would like to thank Mr. Alexander Blass for the great job. Thank you!”

“I am the General Manager of Pakistan International Airlines. I found this workshop very informative and enlightening. This workshop tells us that opportunities are all around us. The skills that we have learned in this workshop are enabling us to identify those opportunities so that we could be creative and innovative in our respective area, and as we all know that if you take your field, which is also your passion, then no one can stop you from excellence.”

“It has been an exciting day to be part of this wonderful seminar about innovation. We are happy to have an expert like Alexander who outlined his different principles and strategies that we can use to enhance our innovation system. The way forward in Aramco now is innovation, and we are happy that now we know the way to go about it. This will help us in enhancing and implementing the innovation process in Aramco.”

It was a wonderful, wonderful experience being here… has been quite motivational and inspirational for us. He initiated the innovative instinct of each and every employee, and he has specifically targeted our mindset which we should take care while we are executing or processing our day to day work and I thank Mr. Alexander for his kind briefing, meeting, and discussion. It was wonderful.”

“This is the first workshop that got my attention. It was a very interesting workshop thanks to Alexander Blass, full of interesting axioms, very fresh with ‘meat’ and great information. We learned a lot from it and it will help us bring out the passion from within that we have, into our daily lives.”

“Today we were at this wonderful workshop Innovation Explosion™ with Alexander Blass and I must say that it's been absolutely delightful. Before today we used to think that innovators are some different people, but Alexander assured us that anybody can be an innovator. It's a matter of applying yourself and the tools and techniques that he taught us today were very helpful.”

“I’m from Swisscom and I’m here at the ETIS convention in Copenhagen and participated in the CIO masterclass which was led by Alexander Blass. It was quite a new experience for me, and I learned a lot of new things and how companies can innovate, not only possible for small companies, but also possible for old, traditional companies to be really innovative in new ways. It was a really good experience for me.”

“It was a wonderful presentation which gave us an overview as to how best we can use our innate abilities and resources to become more innovative… and we learned quite a lot from it… we look forward to hearing from you in any of the future events in Sri Lanka.”

“I have to say it was one of the most interesting seminars on innovation that I have attended… the case studies provided made it very interesting because you could actually link the material and real life… there was no snoozing which was a definite plus. You're definitely going to enjoy it. I would strongly recommend this course for anybody. You'd actually be making a very good investment by taking this seminar.”

“Today we had a very good interactive session with Alexander Blass. We came to know the strategies regarding innovation in products and services, innovation in sales and marketing, and customer relationships. It was a very good session, we learned a lot, and should have more of these in the coming year.”

“Today we had Alexander Blass present to us how we can implement our innovative ideas. It was really powerful and a great advantage for us. I hope you have this presentation from him.”

“It was very very inspiring, and I had often thought of starting up my own venture, but as of now I did not really have the guts or what it takes to innovate. What I learned was that I would rather try and fail rather than regret not trying… I would just say that it was a very cherishable experience, and I would love to attend any seminar conducted by him in the future.”

“I had this fantastic opportunity to meet Alexander Blass who was our keynote speaker for our conference at Travelport in Mexico City. Besides being a great person, I need to tell you he's so patient. He's been so patient with us, and so interested in the culture, the company, and all the details. I loved working with Alexander Blass. If you get the chance to be in a conference with him, do it, right away.”

“We have been looking at innovation as an area to learn to be put into best practices in our business. The whole day was a completely new experience for all of us. We learned how we can look at innovations, and how simply we can implement in our organizations the new thinking and improve our business. I recommend this particular program to any company, not only in Sri Lanka, but any part of the world.”

“During the 3-days, we have a good idea of how we can innovate, and how we can understand the new innovations… I want to thank him for his good knowledge he gave us, and good experience, that helped me also innovate in my field.”

“This session was extremely good. I enjoyed attending it and it was great to meet Alexander Blass. Thank you!”

“It was a very very nice seminar, we learned many things, how to implement my ideas. I recommend all students to come and learn from this seminar in the future. Thank you.”

“The things he discussed with us were really awesome. He made us stick to our seats until the whole convocation was completed. We were listening to him like mad people biting our nails away for a whole 2 hours. We learned a lot of things from him. We should never quit on our dreams… he has made us learn what the true soul and meaning of an entrepreneur is.”

“Today I attended the Innovation Explosion™ seminar by Alexander Blass. We gained lots of ideas from this seminar. I’m going to apply all of them in my career. Thank you again so much.”

“Hi, I'm the head of HR for Meezan Bank. I'm very happy to be here today with Alexander Blass. I have learned a lot. I have learned to differentiate between inventions and innovation, and how to encourage innovation in the workplace right where it's needed. Thank you.”

“Today's session was very insightful and interesting because you usually go to these workshops, and you kind of hear the same type of case studies or framework and there is nothing new to take back home. But in today’s session I learned loads of examples and case studies that I have mostly never heard of… Alexander was also good at keeping everyone interested which I think was a great feat as well because it was a full day workshop.”

“I attended the innovation seminar that was hosted by Alexander Blass. he really opened up a lot of new ideas. It’s been maybe just 6 hours, but for me like a whole month’s session, that’s how good he is.”

“I'm really glad I came because even though I've been to many training courses, it's always good to get a refresher and some new insights and ideas, and I am going to recommend and suggest to my company that more people will be put through it, particularly our sales force and operations teams, so that younger people in their twenties and thirties can take ideas from here and go and implement some of those in the business. Excellent event.”

“I work for Royal Airways. Today we had a wonderful lecture about innovation, how you innovate yourself. We got a lot of information on how we can innovate in our job, manage it, and improve it.”

“What Alexander taught us about is how to innovate without having fear or regrets that you will fail later, because that failure is not nearly as the bad as the regret from not trying to make it.”

“I would like to thank Alexander for providing us such a good opportunity to learn and sharpen our skills… we should all proactively implement our ideas. Everyone has innovative ideas and we should not wait for someone else to talk about this, we should not waste that moment in which we have the idea in our minds…”

“I attended Alexander Blass’s presentation on innovation. It was really great, and after the presentation I realized: I CAN innovate!”

“Today, we had this wonderful opportunity to meet Mr. Alexander Blass. He has given us immense confidence and motivation to do something great in our futures. He has taught us how to be determined and motivated and not to be scared to try anything new, so I'm extremely happy and I would like to thank our university for giving us this opportunity to meet Mr. Alexander.”

“All of our participants gained very useful knowledge and information… I can use all the new techniques, and new vision which Alexander shared with us to all the internal colleagues of Bank Alfalah.”

“It was very inspiring. What I learned from Alexander Blass, is that whatever you do in life, it has to help people. That is my agenda after attending his session, and it was very nice to meet Alexander Blass personally. Thank you.”

“I’m representing Bank Alfalah… the seminar has been a great experience.. He has taught us a lot, or actually shown us a lot of innovation, a lot of insight. He's doing a great job.”

“I’m visiting here in Islamabad for Alexander Blass’s Innovation Explosion™. I find this workshop extremely informative and the techniques and framework about innovation is something I have never thought about… the overall framework is very informative and I am learning tremendously.”

“What brought me to this summit was I am always seeking how I can fulfill my passion. The session by Alexander Blass was fantastic… one of my passions is to continuously improve whatever product or process I see… and I have been looking how I can create a business around a sustainable human improvization model... This session really triggered that within me.”

“He did a lot of hard work and homework before doing his presentation. Innovation is the mother of necessity, and it was quite interesting and motivating. I liked it very much. Thanks a lot Alexander, I appreciate it and all your hard work.”

“This is our first visit to IIT Bombay. We heard this morning’s speech by Mr. Alexander Blass and it was indeed amazing, We learned a lot, especially the axioms and his framework for innovation. It was great to be trained by Mr. Alexander Blass and basically a great start for all of us.”

“It was really inspirational and motivational, especially for medical students like us. He taught us how to bring about new ideas, not to get scared, to move forward... it just set a flair inside us so that we could think more and move ahead in life.”

“I had read about that in order to maintain a competitive edge in business, two things are very important: innovation in products and innovation in process.. it thrilled me to attend the whole day workshop… there is a dearth of innovation in our society, and we have a lot of opportunities… and it will help me in my business.”

“I feel it is a great program. It was very inspiring and awesome. You need to listen to people like this, that know what to do and will teach you what to do. He talked about the importance of innovation in everyone’s life, and he really inspired me a lot. Thank you!”

“I really appreciate the presentation. He made me start thinking on an innovative path. He taught us the meaning of innovation, and he is now a mentor of mine.”

“I enjoyed Alexander Blass’s session today. He presented on innovation and it was a very interesting session. I learned a lot!”

“The most inspiring speech in the conference was from Alexander Blass. It was very clear and concise, and I’m truly motivated and inspired. Thanks a lot Alexander!”

“I love technology and see his true leadership, bringing innovative solutions to the world with a huge impact and touching so many lives. After his session, I see myself how I want to be more innovative. It was a great session from Alexander, and wish him continued success in all his endeavors.”

“I really liked the session and got a lot of input from it. I came to the conference to learn his principles, and they will be very helpful.”


“Alexander nos dé una charla sobre innovación que fue inspiraciónal muy dinámica, con mucha energía. El es un orador excelente. Habla experiencia propia, El y lo ha hecho, Sabe como hacerlo. Y sabe cuáles son los principios que realmente mueven a la innovación… Pues no es nuevo para Mastercard. Había gente que lo conocía y que lo recomendó. Y puedo ver porque lo han hecho realmente. Estuvo sensacional.”

“Tuve el gusto de contratarlo para un evento en la ciudad de México. Y quiero decirles que es un excelente conferencista. Excelente en innovación. Excelente en poder juntar a la gente y dejar de ese sentimiento de a las cosas diferentes. Por favor, no te pierdas una conferencia del examen. Reglas. Fenomenal. Muy recomendar.”

“Sorpresa que me llevé, pense que iba a ser lo mismo acerca de innovación y liderazgo, pero esta presentación llegó a mi. Llegó a la parte intelectual, a la parte de crecimiento profesional y la parte personal, a esa parte del corazón. Por primera vez en mucho tiempo me encontré en una conferencia donde estaba tomando muchas notas porque no quería que nada se me pasara.”

“Invitamos nuestro gerentes para tomar parte en este seminario, que ha sido muy interesante, que ha generado muchas ideas, entre todo lo participante y creo que ha sido muy valioso. Y la verdad que quisiera ver toda la idea que han sido que se han hablado, que lleve como eso impactan en el negocio.”

“Alexander muchas gracias… realmente fue un éxito. Es nuestro evento de liderazgo que hacemos todos los años. Ya tenemos feedback que realmente fue extraordinario. Y acabamos de estar en en la conferencia en nuestro décimo evento y la realidad superaste las expectativas que tenemos. Esperamos verte muy pronto por Colombia.”

“Quiero decir que me encantó: mucha energía, mucho contenido, muy bien aterrizado a las necesidades de la industria en México. Me encantó!”

“Realmente me sorprendió, la conferencia fue muy buena, muy enriquecedora. […] Me gustó mucho la fluidez, la expresión y me gustó mucho que se notara el trabajo que tuvo para llegar a esta conferencia.”

“Fue muy importante y enriquecedora para todos los colombianos y para todos los empresarios que hoy quieren innovar cada día más.”

“Fue una experiencia muy agradable, nos hizo recordar muchos de los consejos que en nuestra infancia nos dieron nuestros padres y que realmente hemos comprobado que si ponen en práctica se pueden hacer las cosas bien.”

“Realmente podría definirlo como alguien inspirador, creo que sus conceptos son muy claros, son muy simples, son muy sencillos […] Ojalá tengas algún día la oportunidad de escucharlo y de compartir con el parte de su experiencia y como ha generado resultados.”

“Estoy muy agradecida por tener la oportunidad de estar aquí en esta conferencia tan maravillosa, las cual nos han brindado con una personalidad como usted; estoy muy contenta, muy agradecida a Dios y al mundo por tener esta diferente perspectiva. Muchas Gracias!”

“Sus conocimientos fueron muy importantes especialmente cuando el nos invita a pensar fuera de la caja, a pensar de manera diferente y todas sus enseñanzas han sido fundamentales.

“Fue completamente inspiradora y creo que es excelente para motivar a los empresarios a producir cambios duraderos.”

“El explicaba cómo las empresas pueden desarrollar su negocio en base a nuevos Negó, nuevas teorías, nueva innovación, La innovación puede ser de diferentes maneras. O puede ser crear un negocio diferente, pero siempre implica el pensar de una manera no tradicional. Y eso es lo que Alexander nos explicó Fue una charla muy innovadora. Alexander es un buen orador y en mi opinión la charla fue superior a cualquier otra charla escuché en este evento.”

“Estoy encantada de estar en este evento y encantada de haberte conocido. Te agradezco mucho mucho tus motivaciones que nos diste y como te repito cada día es un reto y es una motivación trabajar en esto porque cada día es diferente. Me encantó, un besote.”

“Lo que les puedo decir es que Alexander nos puso a pensar. Realmente la innovación sí es para todo el mundo, y todos tenemos algún area de nuestra vida que podemos cambiar y que podemos reinventar todos los dias. Totalmente recomendable, háganlo si tienen la oportunidad.”

“El contenido de la exposición fue sobre innovación. Innovar no unicamente agregando productos nuevos, sino cambiando y eliminando cosas que ya no sirven. Recomiendo mucho esta conferencia y me gustaría de las personas la pudieran ver.”

“Fue para mi muy emocionante porque oir a alguien en una exposición de contact center hablar sobre emociones, sobre valores, sobre cosas que te motivan y de seguir sueños, no es lo que uno espera.”

“Yo lo recomiendo a todo el mundo, para hacer cualquier discurso en cualquier lugar.”

“Realmente me dejó pensando […] uno viviendo en el miedo no logra cosas y entonces la conferencia me inspiró porque realmente uno tiene que innovar y reinventarse.”

Los altos ejecutivos de Latinoamerica comparten sus experiencias extraordinarias con usted, después de asistir a uno de los eventos de renombre mundial de Alexander Blass, y dar sus recomendaciones más altas.